Fresno FC defender Mickey Daly goes after possession of the ball against the Colorado Springs Switchbacks. The Foxes won the Oct. 5 game 3-0. Photo by Peter Maiden
By Community Alliance Staff
Oct. 13 was the final game of the Fresno Foxes’ first season, against Real Monarchs, who came from Utah. The Foxes lost 1-0, and overall for the season they won 9 games, drew 12 and lost 13. They came in 12th of 17 in the USL’s Group B. There was no lack of enthusiasm, though, and next year the team will be seasoned and ready to compete again.
The Foxes’ Myer Bevin takes the ball (Oct. 13). Photo by Peter MaidenFoxes’ Goalie Kyle Reynish prepares to stop a shot (Oct. 13). Photo by Peter MaidenThe Fire Squad Fresno, even with a loss, celebrates the close of the final game of the season (Oct. 13). Photo by Peter Maiden
The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.