Randy Ambrose response on fresnoalliance.com to February article “Wheezing and Choking in Malaga” by Tom Franz
“Great article. Good to see someone digging into where our pollution comes from. It used to be that we could frequently see the mountains from Fresno. Too much smog and no one seems to care.”
Pheartknockr response on fresnoalliance.com to March article “Disabled by Consumer Culture & Dignified Paths to our Fullest Potential” by Brian Jay Snyder
“Brian, I saw your ad for the 350.org startup group, but the paper I was reading was in a doctor’s office, so I never saw the ad again. I wanted to respond and at least say good for you, if not join up, so at least there would be two of us collaborating in this sea of idiocracy here in central CA. Thanks a lot for this great article – I will share it with others.”
teeeszup on @fresnoalliance Instagram in response to April article “Malak: An American Girl and Her Family” by Hannah Brandt
“Much love to you all ❤️ Welcome!”
Eaton Plaza
“[The comment below is] From a fellow I met at a Central Valley Progressives meeting. We need healing green garden parks, not asphalt basketball courts Rudd wants across the Central Library at Eaton Plaza. If you agree, then please call your City Council representative. https://www.fresno.gov”
Mike Starry
“Oh, I think you said you’re in Capriolio’s district. When you feel better, you might ask him to let you know if or when the basketball courts might go out to bid, if that’s done in lieu of getting public input first. I recall Rudd saying he plans to retire, or move on, around the end of June. I bet he tries to start the basketball courts as his “legacy” before leaving. Putting them out to bid would be the start of not going public. Baines is my councilman and he’s in favor of more asphalt. Someone in Bredefeld’s district should ask the same thing. I believe he was not in favor of the idea from the beginning.”
Unseat Devin Nunes
Carol Kim, Pam MacDonald & Julia Schatz
Together We Will Fresno/Central Valley
Since Trump has taken office, we have experienced unprecedented threats to our democracy and the world as we know it. Most of Trump’s agenda has been focused on anti-human rights policies such as the implementation of the Muslim ban, LGBT discrimination, threats and follow through of deportation of undocumented immigrants despite the consequences to families/communities, repeal attempts on health care including defunding of Planned Parenthood, anti-environmental legislation, and on and on. It has been a rude awakening to recognize the lack of concerned leadership and representation in our district, CA 22.
Unfortunately, our Congressman, Devin Nunes, is only interested in pleasing his ardent Republican supporters and in serving and protecting Donald Trump. This is evidenced by not only his unethical behavior as the Chair of the Intelligence Committee but his refusal to engage in any kind of open Town Hall for his constituents. In fact, anyone who voices a difference of opinion or concerns about his positions gets dismissed as “left wing activists” or “outside agitators”. Our grassroots organization, a local chapter of Together We Will, has set as our primary goal to find and support a candidate who will represent all of the community, not just big agriculture and others who personally and/or professionally benefit from Trump’s agendas.
We have accomplished a lot in the last two and a half months. We launched a website: www.unseatdevinnunes.com, organized (with Fresno Indivisible) a Town Hall at College of the Sequoias (COS) on April 19 (200 + constituents attended), participated in many local protests, had media coverage via TV, print and radio outlets, and perhaps most importantly, started a CrowdPac account (https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/198144/). We have raised almost $14,000.00 in pledges.
We believe that for the most viable candidate to emerge and be successful, he/she will need strong community support in terms of both fundraising and an organized volunteer workforce, which is the next stage of our objective. We are not political activists nor political experts. We are concerned CA-22 constituents who decided that American Democracy is at stake and requires citizens to keep it in place. We were warned that this will be difficult. Nevertheless, we persist. We plan to win this district. Please consider joining us in this noble cause. Our contact information is below.
Facebook: TogetherWeWillFresnoCV
Twitter @TWWFresnoCV or @UnseatNunes