The raising of the Israeli flag on Oct. 12 at Eaton Plaza in downtown Fresno was met with protestors from Peace Fresno, grassroots community activists and Palestinians holding signs. The Israeli flag was raised in recognition of the 1,400 people who were killed by Hamas in Israel on Oct. 7.
As Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer spoke, he was confronted with chants to “Free Palestine,” voices questioning his past transgressions and inquiries as to what he is doing to stop the attacks against the Palestinian people.
Dyer was not there to talk about the bombing of the Gaza Strip taking place that day but instead focused on attacks against Israel. There was a gathering of supporters from the Jewish community, and there were several shouting matches between the two groups of demonstrators. There was also a large police presence.
Other speakers included Rabbi Rick Wiener and Rabbi Levy Zirkind. This was followed by the raising of the Israeli flag at Eaton Plaza. Protestors asked the City of Fresno to fly the Palestinian flag as well, but that request was quickly dismissed.
The flag raising took place as a state of war between Israel and Palestinians was under way. An invasion of Gaza by Israeli troops seems imminent.
To see a short video of the event, visit youtu.be/TZB44DO-nAs.