From the Editor – October 2014

From the Editor – October 2014
Ernesto Saavedra
Ernesto Saavedra
Ernesto Saavedra

By Ernesto SaavedraĀ 

In Jack D. Forbesā€™ book Columbus and Other Cannibals, he talks of a horrible, contagious disease widely undetected. ā€œFor several thousands of years human beings have suffered from a plague, a disease worse than leprosy, a sickness worse than malaria, a malady much more terrible than smallpoxā€¦this wĆ©tiko (cannibal) psychosis, is the greatest epidemic sickness known to man.ā€

A Cree term, wĆ©tiko refers to a person or spirit that terrorizes and exploits other creatures. Thus, the wĆ©tiko psychosis is the mental illness of exploitation for oneā€™s own profit and gain at the expense of others. The physical manifestation of this wĆ©tiko psychosis is referred to by Forbes as cannibalism. The consumption of oneā€™s life by another, in a symbolic sense. All those who practice this are referred to as cannibals.

The wĆ©tiko psychosis is said to have been brought over by Europeans to the ā€œWestern worldā€ in October 1492. Some say this guy named Christopher Columbus, cannibal, was the main proprietor and perpetuator of this disease we now reap the ā€œbenefitsā€ from.

Under the flag of ā€œdemocracy,ā€ ā€œcivilizationā€ and ā€œprogress,ā€ the wĆ©tiko psychosis has infiltrated our very existence. Its by-products can be found in the food we eat, the air we breathe, religious institutions and the so-called ā€œdemocraticā€ processes we participate in every two and four years. Like sheep, we are systematically herded and molded to act a certain way and go a certain direction. To catch a ride toward freedom one needs a permission slip.

The cannibals of todayā€™s day and age donā€™t wear heavy metallic armor or carry around swords. Most wear designer suits and bright white smiles, carrying around suitcases, credit cards and cell phones, their body guards carry guns. Instead of horses, they ride around in vehicles named after horses. Some might even look like you and come from the same background. Underneath it all, the same disease exists.

Like Columbus, theyā€™ll tell you whatever you want to hear. Sure, none are outright chasing you down, tying you up and killing you; imposing fear and conformity, itā€™s just not fashionable. However, I would argue, the same is still happening, in a not so subtle way.

Corporations have finally caught on to and bought the green movement and have begun selling it to us in the form of the Prius and recycled toilet paper. Ironically, driving this machine is that ā€œgreenā€ piece of paper.

We are told to vote because it is our duty to do so as ā€œAmericans.ā€ Some even go as far as to say that if we donā€™t vote we have no reason to complain. Iā€™ve often times wrestled with this logic given the limited choices and rare opportunities we have to participate in this very system. What if youā€™re undocumented or choose to participate politically in another way?

Police serve and protect property and profits over people. Being ā€œsavedā€ is synonymous with converting to a religious institution foreign to your own indigenous knowledge and practices. For some people and at some places, before food and shelter, you have to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. The school system is bringing up a generation of robots. Think like ā€œthemā€ and stray away from thinking for yourself. Despite all this, like the saying goes, ā€œthere is light at the end of the tunnel.ā€

Forbesā€™ perspective and that of many Native cultures here and around the world is to live with the world and the universe, not in it. Realizing that the world is not ours but that we come from the world we will better understand our purpose and path(s). I interpret this as educating our thinking. Being critical and engaged in the world around us. This may vary from person to person, and in no way shape or form am I downgrading the great work being done out there within and outside of the system, I just ask that we take a step back and reevaluate it and go from there.

WĆ©tiko psychosis built these structures that oppress us, and it is up to us to bring it down by any and all means.


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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