Elsa Mejía
Dear Reader,
On May Day, we commemorate the struggles and gains made by workers and the labor movement. And living in a time when even a livable wage is a topic for fierce debate, let’s reflect on the sweat, blood and tears it took for workers to gain rights. Or rather the time, effort, lifetimes spent —and entire lives lost— so that we could enjoy an eight-hour workday, overtime, weekends, safer working conditions, and an end to child labor, to name a few.
With mounting and endless attacks to the rights of workers and labor unions, May Day is an annual opportunity for re-strengthening. Today, I get to see up close and personal one of the many facets of organizing in all its splendor. I watch as California family child care providers stand together in our state capitol to rally around AB 37—The Building a Better Early Care and Education System Act, granting them the right to collective bargaining.
And I see how much and how long it takes to win a right. Yet, those who cast aside the rights of workers and families, not seeing past their own greed, are eager and ready to strip us of anything they can at the first chance they get.
As an independent voice in the Central Valley, the Community Alliance is one effective safeguard because it expands on progressive values where other outlets will not. Thanks to our readers, contributors and sponsors, we were able to print this May issue, but we are not where we need to be.
We are working hard toward being able to ensure that we print a monthly publication to be readily accessible to anyone—regardless of socioeconomic status—containing news about our local movement. In light of the most recent vigorous attacks to our community’s most vulnerable, it is especially dire that you continue or start supporting Community Alliance now. Please visit fresnoalliance.com to do so or fill out the form at the bottom of this page and mail it in with your donation. As always, any amount is greatly appreciated.