By Floyd D. Harris
School’s back in session and the end of summer is here. In preparation to plant their winter crops, student participants from the Fresno Freedom School of Agriculture and Cultural Enrichment (FS) hosted an End of Summer Farmers’ Market in front of the Freedom School garden.
Freedom School students sold the remaining 2017 Freedom School summer produce at their end of the summer farmers’ market. Visitors enjoyed food samples prepared and served by Freedom School students. Both Freedom School students and guests had the opportunity to learn about what composting is and why it’s good for the soil and growing food. Students each decorated their own compost box.
Freedom School participants have logged more than 200 volunteer hours building a farm from scratch throughout spring and into the summer months. These young growers have worked, learned and enhanced their skill sets during this process. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture were among the invited guests. This event served as a showcase for all those involved in the project and taught the participants and guests the importance of composting.
The Summer Harvest Festival featured a Freedom School welcome, a student-run, tasting stations, an introduction to compost activity, mental wellness handouts and music.
The Freedom School of Agriculture and Cultural Enrichment was founded in 2013 by Dr. Floyd D. Harris, Jr. Since its inception, the school has been instrumental in providing positive experiences and opportunities that have led several of its students to pursue post-secondary education and careers in the diverse field of agriculture.

Rev. Floyd D. Harris, Jr., is the founder of the Freedom School. Contact him at 559-790-4277 or xyfloyd@aol.com.