Earth Day Fresno 2016

Earth Day Fresno 2016
Earth Day 2016 White Board. Image by Richard Iyall.

By Richard Iyall

Earth Day Fresno 2016 was celebrated on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at Radio Park. It was the perfect day for people in Central California to show their gratitude to the wonderful water planet which provides the perfect setting for life in this Milky Way galaxy, which is in a cluster of 22 galaxies. The west coast of the continent known as the Americas had been experiencing the severe stress of a cataclysmic drought until the rains came again a few months previously. Many trees in the mountains along the west coast of the country called the United States had died, due to the drought conditions. The strain on the ecosystem of the region was severe. Yet major corporations, under the approval of human governments, continued to use toxic methods to extract resources from the land, especially for oil and natural gas. In doing so they used precious, sacred water as a commodity to implement their extraction processes, which resulted in less water for other uses and much more toxicity where the processes were being done. The drought is not over. There has been a respite. The future is up to us.

Abdullatif Bell Tounkara. Image by Richard Iyall.
Abdullatif Bell Tounkara. Image by Richard Iyall.

This region was taken from the indigenous peoples known as the Yokuts many years ago by people who did not have the love, respect, understanding of and connection to the land, the water, the other elements, the other life forms and to the spirit world that the indigenous people of the land had. Neither did they have respect for the people who were here before them, using genocidal actions to gain and maintain their political power. Over time the immigrants who took control of the region, primarily people of European descent, gained knowledge of technology, of communication methods, of centralized control and more. They used governmental actions, indoctrination and religious persecution of peoples who did not conform to their laws and culture to implement their pursuits of exploitation. They used man-made chemicals, genetically engineered life forms, drugs, machinery, weapons, a centralized monetary system and other things for their pursuits. What transpired was a greater understanding of third dimensional laws of the universe. Yet there developed a great disconnection with nature and with the higher dimensions, which operate in greater harmony, for the benefit of all.

Sikh Booth. Image by Richard Iyall.
Sikh Booth. Image by Richard Iyall.

The Central Valley became the breadbasket for the production of food for a great number of human inhabitants on this sacred planet. Yet so much of the food was produced using mono-culture techniques which produce large amounts of single commodity food items, for the short term benefits of providing food items which had longer shelf life and could be transported long distances without much damage. It would provide a small number of people with large amounts of financial credit, while providing a large number of people with a means for surviving in this environment, though being subjected to unhealthy and life-shortening experiences including pesticides, miserable working conditions and a loss of freedom and culture. This type of activity and other related activities which have transpired for such uses of the resources has resulted in a great reduction of the viability for all life in the area. One of the great assets to be lost was variety.

Danielle Claybon with Yuba Cargo Bike. Image by Richard Iyall.
Danielle Claybon with Yuba Cargo Bike. Image by Richard Iyall.

On the globally recognized Earth Day, April 22, rains came to Central California. It is believed that the ascended master Gaia, who produces the manifestation of this life-giving planet, was forgiving of the people for this celebration of her many gifts which make life possible here. It was a day of celebration for those who have learned to live more in harmony with nature. It was a day for people to enjoy life in spite of many contrary actions of the past. It was a day to celebrate life and lessons learned, to see friends, to make new friends and to just be. It was a day for a renewal of our core energies. The event was organized by Esperanza “Espi” Richart

Raging Grannies: Pat Wolk, Ellie Bluestein and friend. Image by Richard Iyall.
Raging Grannies: Pat Wolk, Ellie Bluestein and friend. Image by Richard Iyall.

Richard D. Iyall is a volunteer journalist/photographer for the Community Alliance newspaper. Contact him at


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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