Opinion & Analysis

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By Ruth Gadebusch Think, think, think before you vote for Trump. No matter how much you dislike the other candidates, the behavior of Congress, how upset you are with current conditions or just in [...] Continue Reading


By Tiffany A. Potter I have been listening to a lot of folk music from the “60’s and ‘70’s, lately. I didn’t realize it at first but became more aware of it when I chose to watch my third PBS special [...] Continue Reading

My Hustle Hiatus

By Tiffany A. Potter Here’s what I know as fact: I’ve lost my mind. I am knee deep in launching a global company and I can’t even remember my own phone number. I literally had to take a screen shot [...] Continue Reading

Paper Shredder v. Oprah

By Tiffany A. Potter As I sat down to write this month’s column I had the rough draft sitting in front of me and it was good (I think), it was poignant (I think), it was current and topical; and then [...] Continue Reading


By Ruth Gadebusch With the publication of the zoning map of the City of Fresno with all those little empty spaces I was once again reminded of the many county islands within the city limits. Why do [...] Continue Reading

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem

By Tiffany A. Potter A few of my core, life-affirming, rebel-rousing, compassion-driven, spiritual, open-minded beliefs that carry me through my days and color every decision and choice I make are as [...] Continue Reading

The Spirit of Volunteering

By Ruth Gadebusch Last month, I used this column to write about trials and tribulations of volunteering, just how our overloaded lives were affecting and being affected by volunteering. Arguably, my [...] Continue Reading