
By Month

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Human Rights Commemoration Day

By Mariya Zheleva Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” This year, the Human Rights [...] Continue Reading


Free Speech Award recipients 2016 are Justice Rene Medina and Juan Rafael Avitia. Programmer of the Year Award recipient is Tom Willey for “Down on the Farm.” Photos by Richard D. Iyall, Cowlitz and [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air: Air Quality & Trump

By Tom Frantz The regressive policy proposals of Donald Trump will almost certainly be implemented during his first year in office. These will likely include federal changes weakening low-income [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – Dec 2016

By Hannah Brandt At the time I am writing this it has been three weeks since election night. It has been an overwhelming month. I know many people are still in shock from the results. In some ways, it [...] Continue Reading