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By Tiffany A. Potter At the time of our deadline, and the weeks prior, we’ve experienced a storm surge of sexual harassment and molestation stories and allegations nationally. From Hollywood elites [...] Continue Reading

Human Rights Day in Fresno

By Sudarshan Kapoor “Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights once and for all.” Hilary Clinton, then First Lady, on Sept. 5, 1995, said these powerful words during the [...] Continue Reading

Did I Bring This on Myself?

By Halima Aquino The disturbing revelations I witnessed first-hand, experienced, heard about or gleaned over the years flooded my head as I woke up yet again last week to more “coming out” stories of [...] Continue Reading

Sidebar: Success or Something Like It

By Halima Aquino One of the silent cruelties that is more common than many of us realize and has always bothered me is that the more successful a woman gets, the more sexually “inappropriate [...] Continue Reading