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Fresno’s Homeless People Chatter

The talk on the streets by homeless people concerning homeless issues is among the most talked about subjects in some neighborhoods and communities, to include some people in north Fresno, where a [...] Continue Reading

Revive the San Joaquin

Revive the San Joaquin is hosting the San Joaquin River Faire at Lost Lake Park on Saturday, August 21. The event will have live music, food, fishing, canoeing, environmental education booths and [...] Continue Reading

The Malevolent Content: CDC-128-A

You would think methods for disciplining a prisoner for violating a rule would be straightforward, adequate and, most important, fair and honest. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Rules [...] Continue Reading

Scrap the Water Bond

Whether you call it "the water bond" or Proposition 18, the California legislature should scrap this proposed bond measure currently slated for the November 2010 ballot-not postpone it to 2012. Passed [...] Continue Reading

A Major Pollutant Goes Unregulated

Nearly three decades ago, federal scientists discovered the cause of a massive die-off of fish and birds at the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in Merced County, 10 miles north of Los Banos. [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

The Community Alliance newspaper has been at the forefront of defending homeless people's rights and exposing the City of Fresno's harsh and callous policies regarding the homeless. Our documentation [...] Continue Reading

Whose Water? Our Water!

Water Management--or Mismanagement--in Canada and California They say water is the new oil-the likely cause of future wars, and some current wars as well. Everywhere in the world water is an issue one [...] Continue Reading