
By Month

By Category

From the Editor – September 2013

The culture of death and destruction at City Hall is threatening this community’s most vulnerable residents with a policy that they hope will be the “final solution” to homelessness in Fresno. I was [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – September 2013

Should We Destroy the Fulton Mall to Save Downtown Fresno? Your recent editorial on the Fulton Mall raises several important questions regarding the city’s planned course of action for the mall. The [...] Continue Reading

The Elected: Meet the City Council

By Richard Stone This is the first of a series in which I will be asking for interviews with each sitting member of the Fresno City Council. We began this month with Blong Xiong, who unhesitatingly [...] Continue Reading

An August Vacation

By Simone Whalen-Rhodes Congress has just taken a five-week recess in August and only has two bills to vote on the whole month of September. Their continued gridlock and dysfunction has caused many [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files — September 2013

By John Crockford More on Government Information Accessibility Last month (, this column began to explore accessibility to public information through government [...] Continue Reading

Get Fresnans Enrolled

By Ellen Wu For decades, low-income childless adults and individuals who had to buy their own health insurance have been left to fend for themselves. But all that is about to change. On Jan. 1, [...] Continue Reading