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From the Editor

November Is Getting Close It’s little wonder so many people are fed up with politicians. And that’s a bipartisan thing. Take, for example, the president’s recent grandiose announcement about [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Trumpism Is Rebranded Racism! Amid this brouhaha about Trump the loser, Trump the leader, Trump the owner of the Right Wing, etc., etc., etc., the underlying question we are missing is: “What is [...] Continue Reading

The Truth Be Told

Peggy Noonan, an author who served as a speechwriter in the Reagan administration, wrote an article titled “Dem Problems: A Great Political Party Can’t Thrive on Snob Appeal” that appeared in the [...] Continue Reading

Facing Fresno Fascism

No local Republican elected officials have denounced Donald Trump, his violent political movement or the MAGA takeover of the GOP. This means every Republican office holder—from the mayor and [...] Continue Reading

Es Hora de  Ejercer el Derecho al Voto

El 2024 será un año histórico para la democracia a nivel global. De acuerdo a la organización chequeando, este año será, por curiosa coincidencia, un año electoral para cerca de cien países que [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

Change Needed at Board of Supervisors The Fresno County Board of Supervisors continues to run the county as if it’s their domain, with an unapologetic arrogance and a backward ideology. Their [...] Continue Reading