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Cell Phones: Haidt Book

“It’s what the research shows.” I heard those words a lot during my 30 years as a Fresno Unified School District teacher. Sometimes they popped up at monthly faculty meetings or during day-long [...] Continue Reading

FUSD Needs Updated Cell Phone Policy

In late January, the Fresno Bee ran an article titled “Fresno Unified’s Phone Policy Is 20 Years Old. Teachers Say They Can’t Teach, Need Support.” In the article, some Fresno Unified School [...] Continue Reading

Getting to Know a School Board Candidate

(Author’s note: Dan Bordona has announced his candidacy for a school board seat in the November 2024 election. The author worked as a teacher at Edison High School when Bordona was also there—first as [...] Continue Reading

Evaluating an Averted Strike

During the author’s 30-year stint as a Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) instructor, teachers were encouraged to appropriate the so-called cycle of teaching in regular educational practice. The [...] Continue Reading

Republican Jesus

It’s one of George Bernard Shaw’s better-known quotations: “England and America are two countries separated by the same language.” Given the divisions that have been festering in our own country [...] Continue Reading

The Kids Aren’t Alright

The start of a new school year can be like the coming of spring. There can be a glow of fresh, exciting possibilities in the air, the anticipation of the new. Something that often sets the tone for [...] Continue Reading

“The cellephant in the room”

Walk into many Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) middle and high school classrooms on any given day, and you’ll spot several students using their phones—not in conjunction with their formal [...] Continue Reading