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  • Paul Thomas Jackson

    Paul Thomas Jackson is secretary of the Fresno Homeless Advocates (FHA), a voluntary association whose active members pursue the interest we share in a philosophy of community. Each of us on our own time also does tangible things for people experiencing homelessness. Membership in FHA is open to anyone demonstrating a serious interest in homeless advocacy. FHA has a public group on Facebook that is a broad forum for discussion.

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Homelessness and Reagan Deja Vu

At the time they began dreaming up Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day (HPMD) and hoping to make it the real annual occasion it has since become in about 100 U.S. cities, a group of New Yorkers gathering [...] Continue Reading

December 2002

You can read the .pdf version of the December 2002 Community Alliance below. There are features that allow viewers to increase the size of the pages for easier reading. Simply place your cursor over [...] Continue Reading