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  • Joel Eis

    Joel Eis is a former Draft Resistance organizer and Conscientious Objector. He was an organizer at the Strike at San Francisco State in 1968. He  was a member of El Teatro Campesino,  He was one of the 47 arrested at Fresno State on the march after the Cambodian invasion and the killing of the Kent State and Jackson State students in 1970.He is the author of 4 books published on theatre and politics. Since 2005 he and his wife Toni have run the Rebound Bookstore in San Rafael, California.

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In Memory of David Harris

(Editor’s note: David Harris is from Fresno and he went on to become a leader in the anti-draft movement during the Vietnam War. During that time, he was married to folk musician Joan Baez, who played [...] Continue Reading

In Memory of David Harris

(Editor’s note: David Harris is from Fresno and he went on to become a leader in the anti-draft movement during the Vietnam War. During that time, he was married to folk musician Joan Baez, who played [...] Continue Reading