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  • Amy Goodman y Denis Moynihan

    Amy Goodman y Denis Moynihan son los conductores del popular programa radial “Democracy Now”. Amy Goodman es la conductora de “Democracy Now!”, un noticiero internacional que se emite diariamente en más de 800 emisoras de radio y televisión en inglés y en más de 450 en español. Es co-autora del libro “Los que luchan contra el sistema: Héroes ordinarios en tiempos extraordinarios en Estados Unidos”, editado por Le Monde Diplomatique Cono Sur. Denis Moynihan has worked with “Democracy Now!” since 2000. He is a bestselling author and a syndicated columnist with King Features. He lives in Colorado, where he founded community radio station KFFR 88.3 FM in the town of Winter Park.

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June 2009

IN THIS ISSUE: Fresno Is Ground Zero in Labor StruggleAre We All Socialists Now?Baucus' Raucous CaucusFrom the EditorProgressive News BriefsWill Changes in Democratic Leadership Affect the Central [...] Continue Reading

January 2009

 About this capture Community Alliance NewspaperJanuary 2009 IN THIS ISSUE: Chicago Workers to Rest of Country From the Editor Martin Luther King Day events Senate to Middle [...] Continue Reading