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El primer día que la Identificación Municipal de San Francisco salio había como cuatro cientas o mas personas en fila para poder obtener su tarjeta. Contradiciendo muchas de las ideas de personas que [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Education Without Borders A march and rally was held in downtown Fresno last month to draw attention to the Fresno Unified School District’s high dropout rate, support ethnic studies programs and [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

I was pleasantly surprised when I read David Roy’s “Progressive Religion...Is Not an Oxymoron” article this month. Roy’s article takes a look at why there is such a chasm between the stated goals of [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Was it Worth It? Bin Laden is dead. Saddam is dead. Our invasions have caused tens of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars to get rid of these two bad guys. 9/11 is avenged. Yay, U.S.A. Was it [...] Continue Reading