On May 23, 2011, I had the privilege of interviewing the Reverend Edward Pinkney and his wife Dorothy in Chicago. Rev. Pinkney has gained national recognition for his leadership in galvanizing [...] Continue Reading
Opinion and Analysis from the Grassroots
Freedom and the 4th of July By Leonard Adame On this 4th of July, hot dogs will blacken on a grill sending smoke signals to people with beers stuck in their hands. A few Americans will invoke, as [...] Continue Reading
In Solidarity with the People of Cuba
On July 7, a school bus will roll into Fresno, more than half stuffed with cargo, but with a few seats remaining, with windows wide open for cooling and colorful artwork showing its mission―the [...] Continue Reading
La Guerra de México Contra las Drogas: Un Callejón Sin Salida
Han pasado cuatro años y medio desde que el presidente de México, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, declaró la guerra a las drogas y a los carteles quienes con su violencia han aterrorizado al pueblo [...] Continue Reading
El primer día que la Identificación Municipal de San Francisco salio había como cuatro cientas o mas personas en fila para poder obtener su tarjeta. Contradiciendo muchas de las ideas de personas que [...] Continue Reading
Bravo Success for BMB Leadership Academy in Southwest Fresno
Organizational effectiveness is often the key component to an organization’s success. The Black Men and Boys (BMB) Leadership Academy demonstrated “effectiveness.” The experience was indeed awesome as [...] Continue Reading
Festive Celebration at Roeding Park
On June 11, the Statewide Homeless Memorial Event at Roeding Park had a new twist this year, with some good improvements and some lessons learned, but all in all a good event. It was a festive [...] Continue Reading
Fresno’s Pride Event Is “Legally Proud”
Fresno’s Rainbow Pride parade and festival is marking its 21st anniversary with the theme of “Legally Proud.” The theme takes into account the last year of victories in court—the overturning of [...] Continue Reading
North Coast Farmers and Fishermen Unite To Stop Water Grab
The Jerry Brown administration has backed away from a proposal to build two huge tunnels to divert Sacramento River water around the Bay Delta. Jerry Meral, the deputy director of natural resources, [...] Continue Reading
Progressive News Briefs
Education Without Borders A march and rally was held in downtown Fresno last month to draw attention to the Fresno Unified School District’s high dropout rate, support ethnic studies programs and [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
I was pleasantly surprised when I read David Roy’s “Progressive Religion...Is Not an Oxymoron” article this month. Roy’s article takes a look at why there is such a chasm between the stated goals of [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Was it Worth It? Bin Laden is dead. Saddam is dead. Our invasions have caused tens of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars to get rid of these two bad guys. 9/11 is avenged. Yay, U.S.A. Was it [...] Continue Reading