By Richard D. Iyall Before Columbus stumbled upon this continent, now called the Americas, the indigenous peoples here lived in great harmony with nature. The people here respected other people and [...] Continue Reading
The Fulton Green Project: Introducing a Broader Vision for the Future of Fresno
By Robert Turner The future of Fresno’s historic Fulton Mall hangs in the balance. Whether it remains as a car-free corridor, a welcoming place to pedestrians, strollers, and bicycles, or is returned [...] Continue Reading
Turkey, Grandkids, Mariachis, Da Mean Mayor and Our Duty
By Leonard Adame November, usually a little gray, colder than the turkey in the fridge, the sun losing out to the grim overcast. Doesn’t matter. Soon the turkey will be in a warmer climate. Soon [...] Continue Reading
Down and Out in Fresno
By Robert Navarro In George Orwell’s classic Down and Out in Paris and London, he memorialized his journalistic venture into the world of poverty during the depths of the global Depression. With [...] Continue Reading
Fulton Mall as a Scapegoat for Past City Planning Policy Failures
By Harold Tokmakian After World War II, most cities in the United States felt an urgent need for increased housing in response to population growth and to make up for the halt in construction during [...] Continue Reading
Mark Arax to Be Presented Free Speech Award
By Rych Withers The Fresno Free College Foundation will be having its annual banquet on Nov. 17 at 5:30 p.m. at Wedgewood Banquet Hall (4584 W. Jacquelyn Ave.). The Foundation owns and operates [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – November 2013
The newspaper you are holding in your hands right now is pretty special. In fact, there is nothing else like it in this region and perhaps in the whole country. We are a local alternative/independent [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor – November 2013
Save the Fulton Mall I keep hearing as an excuse for tearing up the mall “Fresno is a car culture.” Well maybe we need to start weaning off this particular culture and grow up, like other cities in [...] Continue Reading
And Love Is Our Doctrine
By Glenda Roberts At the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, love is our doctrine and service is our prayer. We are called to live out our principles. We believe that social justice is love [...] Continue Reading
Jello Biafra to Perform at Strummer’s
By Maddie Shannon Jello Biafra, former lead singer of the hit punk rock band the Dead Kennedys, is performing at Strummer’s in Fresno’s Tower District on Nov. 1. Biafra’s new band, Jello Biafra [...] Continue Reading
We the People, Not We the Corporations
By Linda G. Traynor On Jan. 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that corporations are “persons” and their money constitutes “free speech.” With [...] Continue Reading
Clean Air Is an Unreasonable Expectation – Clearing the Air – November 2013
By Tom Frantz Last month, I wrote about the false “Air Alert” declared in August by our Valley Air Board. The alert involved a big media campaign asking people to carpool and not idle their cars so [...] Continue Reading