Democrats: California Democratic Party (propositions)/Fresno County Democratic Party (Measure P); Republicans: California Republican Party; Stonewall: Fresno
Stonewall Democrats; Labor: California Labor Federation; Chamber: Fresno Chamber of Commerce; Sierra: Sierra Club–Tehipite Chapter; CARA: California Alliance
for Retired Americans; LWV: League of Women Voters.
• Prop 1: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Specified Housing Assistance Programs. Legislative Statute.
• Prop 2: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Existing Housing Program for Individuals with Mental Illness. Legislative Statute.
• Prop 3: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Projects for Water Supply and Quality, Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Water Conveyance, and Groundwater Sustainability and Storage.
Initiative Statute.
• Prop 4: Authorizes Bonds Funding Construction at Hospitals Providing Children’s Health Care. Initiative Statute.
• Prop 5: Changes Requirements for Certain Property Owners to Transfer their Property Tax Base to Replacement Property. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and
• Prop 6: Eliminates Certain Road Repair and Transportation Funding. Requires Certain Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees Be Approved by the Electorate. Initiative Constitutional
• Prop 7: Conforms California Daylight Saving Time to Federal Law. Allows Legislature to Change Daylight Saving Time Period. Legislative Statute.
• Prop 8: Regulates Amounts Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Clinics Charge for Dialysis Treatment. Initiative Statute.
• Prop 9: On July 18, 2018, Prop 9 was removed from the ballot by order of the California Supreme Court.
• Prop 10: Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute.
Constituents Demand Nunes Vote “No” on More Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest
2018 Ballot Measure Endorsement Grid
By Community Alliance Staff
• Prop 11: Requires Private-Sector Emergency Ambulance
Employees to Remain On-Call During Work Breaks. Eliminates
Certain Employer Liability. Initiative Statute.
• Prop 12: Establishes New Standards for Confinement of
Specified Farm Animals; Bans Sale of Noncomplying Products.
Initiative Statute.
• Measure P (City of Fresno): Imposes a 3/8 percent sales
and use tax, estimated to generate $37.5 million annually for
30 years, funding city parks and cultural arts, with independent
*State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Democrats: California Democratic Party/Fresno County Democratic Party; Republicans: California Republican Party/Fresno County Republican Party; CVPPAC: Central
Valley Progressive PAC; Stonewall: Fresno Stonewall Democrats; Labor: California Labor Federation/Fresno-Tulare-Madera-Kings Central Labor Council; Chamber:
Fresno Chamber of Commerce; Sierra: Sierra Club–Tehipite Chapter