Important Dates
Candidate Filing: Feb. 16–March 12
Candidate Extension Filing: Ends March 17
Mailing Vote by Mail Ballots: May 10
Last Day to Register to Vote in the June 8 Primary Election: May 24
Special New Citizen Voter Registration Period: May 25–June 1
Last Day to Request Vote by Mail Ballot by Mail: June 1
Last Day to Request Vote by Mail Ballot in Person: June 8
Primary Election: June 8
2010 Partisan Offices
U.S. Congress (Districts 18, 19, 20 and 21) State Controller
State Senate (Districts 14 and 16) State Treasurer
State Assembly (Districts 29, 30 and 31) Attorney General
Governor Insurance Commissioner
Lt. Governor State Board of Equalization (District 2)
Secretary of State

Seminar for Primary Candidates
The Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters is presenting a seminar for candidates running for local office in the June primary. Candidates will learn about various filing requirements, voter registration drives, voting by mail and other election information. The seminar will take place on January 13 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Registrar’s office (2221 Kern St., Fresno). Those interested in attending should contact Kathy McClue at 559-488-2609 or kmcclue@co.fresno.ca.us.