Genius They all got paid called hush money !
On The Long History of Police Corruption in Fresno
All Fresno PD /Clovis PD all Dirty officials
On The Long History of Police Corruption in Fresno
The issues with JD Home Rentals in Fresno extend far beyond substandard living conditions—they represent a pattern of systemic exploitation…
On Fresno Landlord Nominated for Hall of Shame
Congratulations, the Alliance will now be able to craft more vigorously worded “Stop the Hate” resolutions and double its monthly…
On Responding to the threat of fascism!
I find this to be so stupid I mean 11$ million to build another building to house the homeless. Do…
On Visalia Confronts Homelessness
Steve Brandau has gone from the voice of the TEA Party, a Conservative Republican Organization, to a Self Serving Politician.…
On Racism and Class War in Fresno
It is incredible this article could not mention .. Harris told immigrants "Don't come to America " ..oversaw placing Latino…
On Trump: Immigrants Are Eating Pets and Stealing Jobs
BTW the old Bitwise buildings part of government subsidized buildings to work spaces might be negotiated into living lofts and…
On Racism and Class War in Fresno
"This reporter" is missing the point, the homeless have destroyed businesses Shanghai, diciccos, oggis et al. They cause financial and…
On Racism and Class War in Fresno
This is bullshit I've been homeless, unhoused, addicted to drugs and some more. There is housing, there is room at…
On Racism and Class War in Fresno