Where Does the Money Go?
Where has all the federal funding gone? Fresno received lots and lots of money, so where may it be hiding? Fresno was supposed to build lots of tiny homes and remodel “old” motels for these homeless people. Why hasn’t this funding been spent like that?
It seems to me that Fresno has lots of money stashed somewhere since they always have their hand out for federal money, especially [Fresno Mayor Jerry] Dyer. There should be an audit done on all this funding received so this community can see what’s been accomplished.
What does Fresno intend to do with all these people? Put them in jail and make us, the community, pay for them anyway? Or send them to state prison so the whole state can pay for them?
Why give out fines? They can’t pay them. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Why does every [City] Council person, mayor or police chief in Fresno become so corrupt as soon as they take office? And it’s getting worse with every passing year. And no one makes them accountable for anything, but yet, they’ll throw homeless people in jail.
Why don’t we put them in jail until they can let us all know where this federal funding they’ve received in the last 8–10 years has gone. Along with proof of what they tell us. Such blatant corruption!
Patricia Hernandez
No Sitting in Fresno
Hi, I’m a taxpaying citizen in the city of Fresno, and I thought you and your staff might be interested in knowing that our very own local “Nazayahoos” here are now trying to tell people that they cannot do federally protected stuff such as “sitting” (What?) at a public city park such as Salma Layne in northwest Fresno.
Someone apparently posted something to that effect there: that starting Sept. 15, people are not allowed to “sit” on park benches and/or other areas in the park during normal operating hours (??).
It said something about the Mayor’s Office and gave a number to call for questions—yeah, I don’t think so. Just thought you might like to know.
David Alegre
Can the Trump/MAGA/Republican cult produce even one U.S. citizen who has lost their job to an undocumented worker?
Saul Ross
Clovis “Community” Hospital
I was a patient at Clovis Community [Medical Center]. I have been there six times this summer, [with] one surgery, four endoscopies, one GI test, [and] one emergency room visit because my GI doctor sent me there. I clearly had three hernias on the CT scan. The emergency room doctor told me to go home, [saying] I was just “constipated.” This misdiagnosis caused me months of pain.
As for Fresno Community [Regional Medical Center], last November they overdosed my husband with fentanyl and killed him. I am currently looking for an attorney before the statute of limitations runs out. They are incompetent and caused his death.
Vicki Fassett
Online feedback
“Jurassic Park of Politics”
Your understanding of the housing problem in Fresno is that too many apartments and small houses are being built without parks? How do you reconcile [that] with the fact that Fresno has one of the worst rental unit shortages in the nation?
Apartments are not “popping up everywhere,” and the city has way too much underutilized infill—that’s the problem. Why is everyone in Fresno so stubbornly unwilling to read up on this issue?
Keith Foster
Online feedback
(Editor’s note: The following two letters are in response to “Your Vote” in the September issue of the Community Alliance newspaper.)
Will America Get Better?
I’ve heard it before that this election is the most important, consequential, life-changing one in a long time, etc., and what happens? The Dems get in and whalla! Life in America doesn’t get better and voting for the same party over and over again hasn’t improved our lives like we want, so why vote for either of the major parties?
Also, I have to say that I believe the billionaire and millionaire classes are very much together and on the same page. They have solidarity, too. What I think we have that they don’t is heart and a conscience.
Thank you, though, for the reminders about what the “little people” have done when they came together; came together in solidarity with their beautiful hearts and loving minds. We can’t let the oppressors get away with their unjust treatment of the masses of good-hearted people, especially the ones under attack with war, violence and genocide.
God forbid we find ourselves facing nuclear war. I’ll consider what you suggest, but I’m seeing the same old playbook. Even so, Trump will never get my vote. Never!
Carol Goiburn
Online feedback
Not Progressive but Regressive
A well-written and thoughtful essay. But many of us are harder to convince. We get that the orange man is bad, but we are not sold on the notion that he would be much worse than what we have now.
A government that wholeheartedly embraces genocide? And vigorously attacks and demonizes those who speak out against it? And openly and proudly means to escalate nuclear brinkmanship and antagonize our world neighbors toward wide-scale war? No thank you.
This administration and the one that seeks to follow it are not progressive but regressive, and people of conscience cannot justify a vote for either of the two corrupt “legitimate” parties.
Douglas Bence
Online feedback